Premium Chiropractic Services in Mill Creek

16212 Bothell Everett Hwy

Suite E, Mill Creek, WA 98012

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Open Weekly

Mon - Wed, Fri

regular visits

Regular Visits

After the investment of time needed on the first and second visits, many patients become concerned that every visit will be of equal length.

In a word: no. Regular visits may require just a few, highly-focused, minutes.

But don’t think the brevity of a regular visit lessens its value! With the groundwork laid, we can quickly size up what your spine and nervous system, adjust you and get you on your way.

Like a regular workout at the gym, each visit builds on the ones before. Miss a visit and we can lose the momentum necessary to make the needed changes.

We recognize your time is valuable. We do everything possible to run on time and minimize the impact on your busy life.

Thanks for visiting our site. We look forward to meeting with you in person and learning how chiropractic can fit into your health care goals. Give our Mill Creek chiropractic office a call or click here to email us and we can arrange a time to explore your options!