Premium Chiropractic Services in Mill Creek
16212 Bothell Everett Hwy
Suite E, Mill Creek, WA 98012
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Open Weekly
Mon - Wed, Fri
chiropractor Mill Creek

Can Your Headaches be Helped?

Headaches can be frustrating and often times can be tricky to get rid of,but if the cause of them is known it can be easier to get rid of them. Something as simple as daily activities that can be perceived as normal can affect how the body reacts. A change of diet, excessive exercise, stressful situations and even a change in weather can cause or “trigger” a headache. But a majority of headaches are caused by neck tension.

In the work place a lot of time is spent sitting in one spot and for an extended amount of time. This in turn can create muscle tension in the neck and thus generate what is called a tension headache. As we all know, these can affect day to day activities such as

  1. Driving
  2. Social activities
  3. Work

What can you do?

1.Stretch every 30 mins to an hour to take a break from sitting.

2.Drink water in order to keep hydrated.

3.If you are a candidate for chiropractic care, getting an adjustment on your cervical spine will help alleviate those headaches in frequency and pain.

4.Come in to our clinic and postural exercises can be shown to you to help with balance and get you back on the right track.

Chiropractic Clinic

Small Change

Many health problems provide subtle warnings long before they become serious. Like radio telescopes scanning the heavens for the faintest signals from space, being aware of these early signs is important. If you ignore these quiet warnings, your body will increase these murmurings into something much louder to get your attention!

Those of us who are keenly aware of our body are sensitive to things like:

  • Changes in digestion or intestinal gas.
  • Pain when attempting to turn or bend.
  • A new and persistent cough.
  • Increased frequency of urination.
  • Sudden loss or increase of weight.
  • Appearance of dark circles under the eyes.
  • Inability to fall asleep or stay asleep.

Waiting until symptoms become pronounced makes correction more difficult. If you’ve been waiting for a problem to “go away on its own,” call our practice for a thorough examination.